Policy Research Associates, Inc. (PRA) has been awarded the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Best Practices for Psychiatrists Treating Justice-Involved Populations in Community Care contract. Through this contract, PRA will develop a monograph and deliver a webinar that details best practices for psychiatrists providing care to people who are justice-involved and have a co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorder in community-based settings.
PRA will develop the monograph by conducting literature reviews and interviews, convening expert panels, and engaging in research to determine a set of key recommendations for psychiatrists working with justice-involved individuals. To support the dissemination of these findings, PRA will engage the American Psychiatric Association as a key partner in the promotion of the completed monograph and webinar.
The goal of this contract is to encourage interest in and establish best practices for psychiatric treatment of justice-involved populations to achieve recovery from serious mental illness and substance abuse disorders. This contract will be directed by Lisa Callahan, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate II at PRA.