The beginning of a new year is a time for us at Policy Research to plan and set annual goals. We could not do that without reflecting on our accomplishments and the impact of the past year. It is a great honor of mine to assemble the Policy Research’s Year in Review to support that process and share our great work with you.

The Year in Review provides a look back at our accomplishments in the field, our community, and within our company. Our work is complex, and the impact of our work might not be felt for months or even years after our service provision. Policy and practice changes take time, deep planning, and discussion at many levels to ensure that they will achieve the desired outcome and will not produce unintended negative consequences. That’s why our word of the year is “strategic slowness”—a recognition of the time it takes to make long-lasting change.

Our dedication is reflected in the milestones we reached last year, which highlight the impact of our thoughtful, deliberate approach. Each achievement is a testament to the value of taking the time to do things right. Check out our Year in Review’s Big News to see what it’s like to work at and work with Policy Research:

  • Released a Land Acknowledgment, which honors the Indigenous communities connected to the lands where we work. Policy Research’s Land Acknowledgment is vital to our commitment to recognizing and serving Tribal communities.

  • Launched the Systems Mapping and Training Center. The Systems Mapping and Training Center is a one-stop-shop for all Policy Research’s mapping and training services.

  • Published research supporting the impact of our trainings, mappings, and tools, including How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses, the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen, and Crisis Intercept Mapping for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families.

  • Designed and implemented a corporate philanthropy plan, which allows Policy Research to develop deeper, relational non-profit partnerships with organizations that are aligned with PRA’s values and guiding principles and annual strategic goals.

  • Amplified the impact of our research with supplementary products, including podcasts, infographic videos, YouTube shorts, research briefs, and graphic notes.

  • Expanded our Conversations on Leadership podcast series to highlight Policy Research’s leaders and progress toward strategic goals.

Want to learn more about 2024 at Policy Research? Visit our Year in Review page to see our area highlights, learn more about our company culture, and see our community impact!