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Criminal Justice

A cornerstone of our work is transforming criminal justice systems to improve public safety and public health outcomes for people with behavioral health needs. We work with localities, regions, states, and at the national level across a wide array of issues to influence criminal justice and behavioral health policy and practice change. We facilitate the development of partnerships between criminal justice and behavioral health agencies to address each intercept within the Sequential Intercept Model to divert people with behavioral health needs into treatment and away from further contact with the criminal justice system.


Pretrial Risk Management in the Safety and Justice Challenge

For this research project, funded by the University of Virginia and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, PRA will examine strategies to reduce detention and increase racial equity in pretrial judgments.

California Felony Incompetent to Stand Trial Continuum of Care Evaluation

For this research project, funded by the California Department of State Hospitals, PRA will conduct an evaluation of the California Department of State Hospitals’ felony incompetent to stand trial (IST) continuum of care efforts.

BJA VALOR Initiative – Law Enforcement and Community: Crisis Intervention Training Model Program

2017 - 2020

This training and technical assistance program delivered the crisis intervention training (CIT) model, developed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, to law enforcement agencies, along with a suite of resources and technical assistance. The program goal is to improve law enforcement’s reaction to and interaction with people with mental illness, thereby increasing officer and community safety.

SAMHSA SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) TA Center

This national project is designed to increase access to the disability income benefit programs (SSI/SSDI) administered by the Social Security Administration for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness and have a mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.


This national project is designed to expand access to community-based services for adults diagnosed with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders at all points of contact with the justice system.


The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge—Serious Mental Illness Technical Assistance contract provides intensive technical assistance to the selected Safety and Justice Challenge jurisdictions that have targeted initiatives for people with serious mental illness.

Statewide Family and Consumer Networks Technical Assistance Center

2009 - 2014

Policy Research, Inc. operated SAMHSA’s Statewide Family and Consumer Networks (FCN) TA Center from 2009-2014. The FCN TA Center provided TA to grantees of the Statewide Family and Consumer Networks grant programs (SFN/SCN). Grantees of each program received three-year grants from SAMHSA to develop the infrastructure and business models needed to serve as their state’s resource and advocacy organization for families and youth (SFN) and for adults (SCN) with mental illness.

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