Our well-being and wellness work improves outcomes for people with behavioral health conditions. We understand that all populations with whom we work have unique needs, and improving an individual’s well-being can enhance their overall quality of life and outcomes. Through our work, we encourage agencies and jurisdictions to incorporate well-being into recovery services for individuals, families, and communities to create holistic systems of care. In addition, we provide support to organizations seeking to implement workplace wellness initiatives, including a focus on mental health in the workplace.
SAMHSA’s Program to Achieve Wellness
This national program was designed to operationalize SAMHSA’s existing wellness initiative. The Program to Achieve Wellness (PAW) promoted recovery and holistic well-being for people across the country through the development of online wellness and technical assistance products and resources, provision of technical assistance, and recognition of innovative and successful wellness programs.
Statewide Family and Consumer Networks Technical Assistance Center
Policy Research, Inc. operated SAMHSA’s Statewide Family and Consumer Networks (FCN) TA Center from 2009-2014. The FCN TA Center provided TA to grantees of the Statewide Family and Consumer Networks grant programs (SFN/SCN). Grantees of each program received three-year grants from SAMHSA to develop the infrastructure and business models needed to serve as their state’s resource and advocacy organization for families and youth (SFN) and for adults (SCN) with mental illness.
Policy Research’s Impact Reports
Each quarter, Policy Research publishes an impact report spotlighting our work across the country via our technical assistance centers, projects, and fee-for-service activities.