This is the time of year when everyone is deciding whether or not to make resolutions. Well, let me give you a little *ahem* food for thought. Last April I joined Field Goods, a year-round food subscription service that sources fresh, organic food from small regional farms and delivers it to community sites. Because there were a bunch of other like-minded folks at PRA, we were able to get our fruits and veggies delivered right to the office! Every Wednesday when the delivery van pulls up and unloads our orange and yellow bags, it feels like Christmas.
I joined Field Goods because I resolved to stop eating for convenience and incorporate more veggies into my diet. This was a bit of a sell, though, because I absolutely hate menu-planning, shopping, unloading groceries, food prep, rotating inventory, clean-up, etc. But I was really motivated to try something new and start eating healthier, nutritious food. I feared that I would have a hard time keeping up with the weekly inventory—not so. Since there are only two of us at home, I opted for their 1-2 person bag which features about 5-7 fruits and veggies every week and a separate bread subscription.
You don’t get to pick the veggies, but for me that’s been part of the fun—a veggie grab bag! However, for those of you that prefer things more predictable, Field Goods sends out a weekly newsletter to let you know in advance what will be in the bag, giving you an opportunity to opt out of that week’s delivery. Their newsletter really is a treasure. It gives storage information for all the veggies and links to quick and easy recipes. This is been very helpful because there have been a few veggies (like celeriac, tatsoi, and romanesco) that have had me scratching my head! See above for a flavor of the weekly deliveries and some of my tasty creations.
Recipes from the photos: