SAMHSA’s GAINS Center is currently soliciting applications from communities interested in Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) Mapping Workshops. SIM Mapping Workshops are designed to bring together a local, cross-system, multidisciplinary group of key stakeholders from a particular jurisdiction (typically a county) to facilitate collaboration and to identify and discuss ways in which barriers between the criminal justice and behavioral systems can be reduced through the development of integrated local strategic action plans. SIM Mapping Workshop participants are expected to be drawn, in large part, from local criminal justice and behavioral health agencies and organizations.
SIM Mapping Workshops to Develop Comprehensive, Community-wide Strategic Plans for Addressing Opioid and Other Substance Use
The GAINS Center is also soliciting applications from communities that are particularly interested in developing comprehensive, community-wide strategic plans for addressing opioid and other substance use, and better identifying and responding to the needs of adults with substance use disorders who are involved or at risk for involvement in the criminal justice system. Applications submitted in response to this solicitation should emphasize resources, gaps, and opportunities, as well as commitment among key stakeholders to addressing these issues.
The application period for this solicitation has ended. Subscribe to the GAINS email list to be notified of future solicitations.
Traditional SIM Mapping Workshops
The GAINS Center is soliciting applications from communities that are interested in “traditional” SIM Mapping Workshops that focus broadly on identifying and responding to the needs of adults with mental and substance use disorders who are involved or at risk for involvement in the criminal justice system.
The application period for this solicitation has ended. Subscribe to the GAINS email list to be notified of future solicitations.
Site Selection
SAMHSA’s GAINS Center will provide the SIM Mapping Workshops free of charge to selected applicants between March and August 2022. There are no fees for registration, tuition, or materials associated with these workshops. The GAINS Center will cover all costs associated with pre- and post-workshop planning and coordination, travel and lodging, facilitation, data collection and analysis, and report development.
NOTE: Currently, the GAINS Center plans to conduct all the SIM Mapping Workshops in-person, however, it is possible that they will need to be conducted virtually if circumstances warrant.
Interested applicants should select the one workshop option that is most relevant or of greatest interest. To apply for either SIM Mapping Workshop option, please download the corresponding solicitation and application for the chosen option and submit a completed application form no later than November 19, 2021.
Questions? Contact Matthew Robbins, Training Coordinator at SAMHSA’s GAINS Center, via email.