It pains me to say that I am no longer confident in my ability to out-focus a gnat. Yes, a gnat. How did I come to this conclusion, you ask? I competed with a gnat; I call him Fred. I only won one of three competitions!
It all started with simple time trials of who could look, in my case, or in Fred’s case, fly in the same (general) direction for the longest amount of time. He won wings down. We had to repeat the time trials several times because my eyes were drawn to other things, and I forgot we were competing. I call those do-overs.
We moved onto a second tier of competition, stick-to-it-ive-ness. I must admit this was really embarrassing. The goal was to see which of us could come back to tasks until completion (no, I have no idea of Fred’s end goal). After losing several rounds, I searched for gnat brains and found out Fred’s advantage. It turns out he has more brains than I have (according to A mere human is at such a disadvantage with our simple contained brain structure. He, on the other hand, has an inside brain and little outside brains called “ganglia.” Ganglia brains help gnats process sensory information, eat, sense danger, and move! YES! All of you trauma-informed colleagues just thought, “amygdala!!!” Right! I digress…
The final competition! Can I finish this blog while Fred lives?
Yes, finished and Fred is still living the gnat life. Winning one of three competitions with a gnat may not seem like a victory, but I’ll take it!
And you? If you finished reading this blog, you would most likely beat me in this competition…but maybe not Fred. Back to work!