PRA is excited to announce the release of a new product, Best Practices for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace. A new addition to our well-being portfolio, this release is a tool that employers—large and small—can use to assess their organizations and create concrete action items for growing mentally healthy workplace practices, policies, and programs.
Creating a mentally healthy workplace can transform and even save employees’ lives. When you invest in your employees, your strongest asset, workplace culture and morale improve. Plus, your organization’s value gets a boost. Employees juggle demands that can uplift or erode their well-being. They manage job stress, finances, and family. A focus on mentally healthy workplaces can help employees better take care of themselves, their families, and one another, keeping them well and productive. We invite you to download this new product to make progress in the development and growth of your mentally healthy workplace.
In developing Best Practices for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace, we had the honor of partnering with a number of experts and nationally recognized programs. Among those we worked with is WELCOA, or the Wellness Council of America. Featured in this new product is a tool adapted from the WELCOA Quick Culture Inventory. This tool can help you assess and inventory your current employee offerings, from those that encourage physical activity and weight management, to those that support stress management and work-life balance. WELCOA has a number of additional resources, like the Well Workplace Checklist, that you can access online to supplement the resources in Best Practices for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace and dive deeper into building your employee wellness program. Individual and group memberships are available to take advantage of WELCOA’s resource repository, trainings, and other materials that complement this new PRA Well-Being product.
A recent analysis found that for every $1 invested in workplace mental health, there is a median annual return of $1.62. This return increases to $2.18 for those programs that are well-established and operating for 3 or more years. While many organizations may have workplace wellness programs, it is important to be intentional about incorporating mental health into these practices. If you already have workplace mental health programs, this product will be a great way to learn new ideas or reinforce existing efforts. If you do not have a mentally healthy workplace program, download the best practices and get started!
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