Policy Research is proud to announce the publication of our Land Acknowledgment, which honors the Indigenous communities connected to the lands where we work.

Policy Research’s Land Acknowledgement is vital to our commitment to recognizing and serving Tribal communities. Our commitment includes the following actions to accompany the Land Acknowledgment:

  • Staff will receive a user guide for the Land Acknowledgment, which offers context and instructions for delivering it at meetings and events.
  • Employees will participate in an activity to learn more about the Indigenous peoples in their communities and share what they have learned with the broader company.
  • Policy Research’s corporate philanthropy plan requires that a portion of corporate donations be directed to organizations supporting Indigenous people.
  • Policy Research’s projects have developed specific resources and tools for Native communities, available in a condensed format on the Policy Research Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources page.

The Land Acknowledgment was carefully crafted by an internal team with lived and professional experience working with Tribal Nations. Senior Project Associate Violette Cloud, PhD, Diné (Navajo Nation), Project Assistant Alisha Fletcher, Cherokee Nation, and Vice President Terri Hay authored the Land Acknowledgment. Additional contributions were made by Drs. Kamiya Stewart, Elan Hope, and Sarah Desmarais.