In January 2021, Policy Research, Inc., hosted a town hall discussion in collaboration with Desert Waters Correctional Outreach, Inc., on the topic of correctional worker wellness. The event was made possible with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge.

This discussion addressed how correctional occupational stressors impact the staff, and indirectly, the staff’s family members, as well as the individuals the staff manage. Panelists representing probation and locked corrections facilities provided approaches for countering negative effects of the job—including “corrections fatigue”—and tools for promoting staff and agency health, wellness, and fulfillment.  Graphic recording notes captured the proceedings and are now available for on-demand access.

A video highlighting the creation of the notes is also available, to convey the evolution of the event’s themes.

A text alternative of the graphic recording notes is available for enhanced accessibility.

This resource was first shared in 2021.

(PDF, 4MB)


Tollisen, B. (2021). Correctional worker wellness: Moving from corrections fatigue to fulfillment [Graphic Notes]. Policy Research, Inc.