Welcome to our “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources” page, where we aim to foster a more diverse and inclusive society by providing valuable information and resources. Explore our sections on Disability Benefits, Intersection of the Behavioral Health & the Criminal Legal System, Culturally Responsive Behavioral Health Treatment, and Technical Assistance as a Vehicle to Advance Equity and Services, as we strive toward better understanding, support, and equity for all individuals. This resource page covers a broad spectrum of diversity dimensions, including disability, race, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexual orientation, to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in various contexts.
Disability Benefits
Equity in SOAR Programs
- Establishing an Equitable SOAR Referral System [SOAR, Webinar]
- Guidance for Improving Staff Engagement [SOAR, Guide]
- Improving Equity and Inclusion in SOAR Programs [SOAR, Webinar]
- Hiring and Supervising SOAR Case Workers | A Toolkit for Managers and Leads [SOAR, Toolkit]
- Reducing Implicit Bias and DEI Considerations for Identifying SOAR Applicants [SOAR, Tip Sheet]
- Interviewing Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals for the Medical Summary Report [SOAR, Guide]
- Social Security Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Benefits: Tips for Veterans [SOAR, Guide]
LGBTQ+ Communities
Native Communities
- A Toolkit for Engaging with Native Communities [SOAR, Toolkit]
- SOAR for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities [SOAR, Tip Sheet]
- SOAR Orientation for Native Communities [SOAR, Webinar]
- SSI/SSDI Eligibility for American Indians & Alaska Natives [SOAR, FAQ]
Intersection of the Behavioral Health & the Criminal Legal System
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities
- Q&A with Eddy Zheng, President and Founder of the New Breath Foundation [GAINS, Article]
- Asian Prisoner Support Committee Supports Trauma Recovery and Healing in Prison and Reentry through Cultural Restoration [GAINS, Article]
LGBTQ+ Communities
- Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico: Support, Community, and Connection for Transgender Individuals Involved in the Criminal Justice System [GAINS, Article]
- Sexual Minority Representation in U.S. Jails and Prisons [GAINS, Fact Sheet]
- Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals in U.S. Jails and Prisons [GAINS, Article]
Native Communities
- Tribal Courts are Problem-Solving Courts: The Healing to Wellness Model [GAINS, Webinar]
- Healing Old and New Wounds: Indigenous Mental Health, Culturally Responsive Treatment, and the Criminal Justice System [GAINS, Article]
- Serving Indigenous People through Ceremony and Tradition [GAINS, Article]
- Mitigating Behavioral Health Disparities: Using Culturally Relevant Approaches to Support Native American People Who Are Justice Involved [GAINS, Webinar]
Reducing Racial Disparities
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion throughout the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health: Graphic Recording Notes [Safety & Justice Challenge, Graphic Recording]
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the Intersection of Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice: A Message to Communities [GAINS, Article]
- Promoting Race Equity in Behavioral Health and Justice Outcomes: Gatekeeper Bias as a Barrier [GAINS, Article]
- Leveraging the Sequential Intercept Model to Address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [GAINS, Article]
- Pretrial Risk Assessment, Release Recommendations, and Racial Bias [Research & Evaluation, Article]
- Data Points: When Pretrial Risk Assessment Results and Release Recommendations Don’t Add Up [Research & Evaluation, Podcast]
- Improving Cultural Competence across the Sequential Intercept Model [GAINS, Webinar]
Transition-Aged Youth
- Considerations for Transition-Age Youth in the Adult Criminal Justice System [GAINS, Article]
- Lone Star Justice Alliance: Promoting Trauma-Informed, Age-Appropriate Responses to Emerging Adults [GAINS, Article]
- Preparing Transition-Age Youth for Successful Reentry to the Community [GAINS, Webinar]
- Alternative Solutions Supporting Diversion from the Criminal Justice System [GAINS, Webinar]
- Steering in the Right Direction: Diversion and Supports for Transition-Age Youth in the Criminal Justice System [GAINS, Webinar]
Culturally Responsive Behavioral Health Treatment
Black and African American Communities
- Q&A With Philip Cooper, CPSS, CHW, Inspire Coordinator, Appalachian Regional Commission [GAINS, Article]
- The Imani Breakthrough Project: Faith-Based Recovery Support for Black and Latino Communities [GAINS, Article]
- Q&A with Michael Askew, Executive Director of the Center for African American Recovery Development [GAINS, Article]
Culturally Responsive Care
- Boosting the Power of Harm Reduction [HHRC, Tip Sheet]
- Whole-Person Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit: Part 1 [HHRC, Toolkit]
- Whole-Person Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder: Toolkit Part 2 [HHRC, Toolkit]
- Addressing Overdose Deaths: Combined Interventions [HHRC, Webinar]
- Optimizing Treatment for Your Community: Utilizing Culturally Adapted Evidence-Based Treatments and Practices [GAINS, Webinar]
- Peer-Led Innovations in Reentry Support Programming: Towards Holistic Recovery [GAINS, Webinar]
- Q&A with Navdeep Kang, PsyD [GAINS, Article]
- Modifying Evidence-Based Practices to Increase Cultural Competence: An Overview [PAW, Tip Sheet]
Latino/x/e Communities
- The Imani Breakthrough Project: Faith-Based Recovery Support for Black and Latino Communities [GAINS, Article]
Native Communities
- Q&A With Leandru Willie, Program Manager, Iron House Medicine Program, Native American Reentry Services [GAINS, Article]
- Q&A With Barbara Aragon, SAMHSA’s Tribal Training and TA Center, In Observation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day [SMVF, Article]
Reducing Racial Disparities
- Removing Obstacles to Eliminating Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Behavioral Health Care
- Mental Health and Women Veterans—A Discussion about Common Issues, Access to Care, and Suicide Prevention and Intervention [SMVF, Webinar]
- Key Transitions: Supporting the Behavioral Health of Women Veterans [SMVF, Webinar]
Older Adult Populations
Technical Assistance as a Vehicle to Advance Equitable Service Delivery
- Equity in Action Webinar Series
- Centering Equity, Engaging Communities, Transforming Systems [MacArthur Safety & Justice Challenge, Webinar Recording]
- Leveraging SAMHSA SMVF Technical Assistance to Improve Systems [SMVF, Webinar Recording]
- Leveraging SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance to Improve Systems [SOAR, Webinar Recording]
- SMVF Diverse Populations Webinar Series
- A Discussion About Mental Health, Substance Use, and Connectedness for Aging Veterans [SMVF, Webinar]
- A Discussion About Healthcare Disparities and Strategies for Equitable Engagement with LGBTQ+ Vets [SMVF, Webinar]
- A Discussion About Healthcare Disparities and Strategies for Equitable Engagement with Black Veterans [SMVF, Webinar]
- Supporting the Emotional Wellness of Hispanic and Latino SMVF [SMVF, Webinar]
- American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans: Focusing on Cultural Humility and Suicide Prevention and Intervention—Best and Emerging Practices [SMVF, Webinar]
- Mental Health and Women Veterans—A Discussion about Common Issues, Access to Care, and Suicide Prevention and Intervention [SMVF, Webinar]
- Supporting and Understanding the Behavioral Health Needs of Our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander SMVF [SMVF, Webinar]
- Enhancing Equity in the Criminal Justice System: A Self-Reflection Tool [GAINS, Checklist]
Racial Equity in Supportive Housing Programs
Policy Research Associates, Inc. (2021). Diversity, equity, and inclusion resources. Troy, NY: Author. https://www.prainc.com/resource-library/