The Enhancing Personal Capacity for Wellness series sheds light on wellness in peer support and offers practical guidance for family members, caregivers, and peer support specialists. Peer support is a system of giving and receiving help among people with shared experiences, promoting wellness through empathy, reciprocity, and respect. This series aims to educate and equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to better support peers in maintaining personal wellness and achieving their wellness goals. 


The series is composed of the following four webinars: 

  1. Wellness in Peer Support – An Overview: This webinar provides a holistic view of peer support, highlighting the benefits, components, and experiences of supportive peer relationships. 
  2. Wellness in Peer Support – Enhancing Personal Capacity for Wellness: This presentation explores the multidimensional nature of wellness, offering strategies for peer supporters to maintain personal wellness and prevent compassion fatigue. 
  3. Building an Organizational Culture of Wellness: This webinar discusses the importance of fostering a culture of wellness in the workplace, outlining practices and policies that support employee well-being. 
  4. Incorporating Reflective Practices: This final webinar emphasizes the role of reflection in workplace wellness, detailing methods for self-reflection and co-reflection to enhance personal and organizational well-being. 

Fact Sheet  

The Value of Self-Reflection in an Organizational Culture: This fact sheet is intended for organizations that seek to foster or maintain wellness in their workplace. This two-page resource prompts staff to reflect on their role in promoting wellness using the Eight Dimensions of Wellness: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual wellness. It provides definitions, a visual guide, and examples to help employees conceptualize ways to foster wellness at work.


Program to Achieve Wellness. (Producer). (2017). Enhancing personal capacity for wellness [Presentation Series]. YouTube. 

This resource was first shared in 2017.  

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