This graphic vignette series highlights the challenges, needs, and facilitators of support for people in contact with the criminal legal system during the pretrial period.

About the series: The graphic vignettes share highlights from interviews researchers held with people in the pretrial period. Interviewees detailed the challenges they encountered during the pretrial period, the needs that arose during the pretrial period, and the facilitators of support during the pretrial period.

Challenges highlighted in the series include the following:

  • Financial issues (e.g., loss of employment, limited savings, costs associated with court appearances)
  • Housing instability
  • Substance use issues
  • Communication gaps between the defendant and the court system

Areas of support highlighted by the interviewees include the following:

  • Criminal legal staff who answer questions and provide resources
  • Family support, including family reunification
  • Health and wellness supports

Why it matters: These graphic vignettes can serve as a tool for criminal legal professionals who want to tailor resource provision during the pretrial period to improve defendants’ outcomes.

About the research: This series summarizes research completed by the Early Justice Strategies Lab at George Mason University. To learn more about the study, please contact the research team. The study and the graphic vignettes were made possible by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Pretrial Risk Management Project.

(PDF, 14 MB)

Suggested Citation

Policy Research Associates. (2025). Navigating the pretrial experience [Graphic vignettes].

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