SAMHSA’s Criminal Justice playlist on YouTube features webinars and other video content that highlight criminal justice efforts to serve people with mental illness, substance use disorders, or both. The curated recordings bring together national experts to offer guidance on essential topics, providing high-level strategies and planning guidance as well as case studies and personal perspectives on implementation.

A variety of programs and supports can contribute to better outcomes for people with mental or substance use disorders who are at risk of coming in contact with or already involved in the justice system. The webinars and videos on this channel address efforts to serve this population at every stage, from supportive services and cross-system partnerships that can help prevent involvement with the criminal justice system in the first place, to diversion efforts following contact, evidence-based treatment services during incarceration, and promising practices for reentry into the community.

The presentations and discussions that can be accessed on this channel address key topics from a variety of angles, providing both depth and breadth of expertise. For instance, on the topic of treatment courts, viewers can find information on establishing medication-assisted treatment programs in drug court settings and addressing implementation barriers, expert learnings on opioid overdose prevention in drug treatment courts, considerations when using risk-need-responsivity assessments in treatment courts, recommendations on family-centered approaches in drug courts, and guidance on drug court programming, among other related subjects. Other webinars address establishing medication-assisted treatment programs in other settings, as well as many other topics, including diversion and crisis response methods, tools and strategies for screening for mental and substance use disorders, using the Sequential Intercept Model to inform planning efforts, housing, technological innovations in providing services or supporting partnerships, and more.

This resource is updated with new content on a rolling basis.

(External Link, YouTube)