Using Social Media to Create and Measure Behavior Change in Public Health Campaigns explores the powerful role of social media in public health campaigns. It offers practical guidance for public relations professionals and public health organizations. As social media and mobile device usage become ubiquitous, these new habits and resources present an opportunity for enhanced public health outreach. Ninety percent of Americans own a cell phone, and almost two-thirds own a smartphone, making the internet a primary method for disseminating ideas, content, and information. This series aims to educate and equip professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to leverage social media effectively to achieve measurable public health campaign results. 

The series is composed of a fact sheet and a webinar:  

Fact Sheet  

Connecting the Dots: Using Social Media to Create and Measure Behavior Change in Public Health Campaigns: This infographic is based on the transtheoretical model of change. It serves as an excellent reference for social media managers and public health organizations designing public health campaigns with a social media component. The infographic describes how social media campaigns can be used to promote healthful changes to behaviors, connecting online and offline worlds to reach young, tech-savvy audiences. It outlines the stages of the behavior change process—pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance—and highlights how activities like Q&As and influencer involvement can drive these stages effectively. 


Using Social Media to Create and Measure Behavior Change in Public Health Campaigns: This webinar by the Program to Achieve Wellness examines the role of social media as an instrument for public health campaigns. Featuring Amelia Burke-Garcia, an expert with over 15 years of experience in digital, social, and mobile media, the presentation establishes a shared understanding of strategic social media usage to achieve measurable public health campaign results. Burke-Garcia uses specific examples of successful public health campaigns to demonstrate the utility of social media. The presentation is particularly relevant for public relations professionals and public health organizations looking to engage audiences in new, more effective ways, potentially achieving virality to encourage healthy behaviors and inspire conversations. 


Program to Achieve Wellness. (2018). Using social media to create and measure behavior change in public health campaigns. 

This resource was first shared in 2018. 

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