Trueblood Diversion Services Summit highlights strategies to divert people with mental illness from the criminal legal system, and offers practical guidance and recommendations for vested partners and service providers. Funded through the Trueblood class-action lawsuit, this series of resources aims to improve the implementation of diversion services and enhance competence evaluation and restoration processes across Washington State and the nation. 

The series is composed of the following publications and video series:  


Trueblood Diversion Services Summit Report: This report provides an overview of the September 2019 Trueblood Summit, including background, timeline, and activities. It offers national perspectives on diversion, details state-wide diversion programs, and provides recommendations to enhance diversion and competence restoration services. Key recommendations include expanding the crisis care continuum, developing coordinated screening strategies, and improving access to housing for people with justice involvement.  

Spotlight on Trueblood Diversion Programs: A one-page infographic highlighting the work of 15 diversion services programs funded by the Trueblood settlement. The infographic arrays the programs across the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM), showcasing examples such as co-responder models, emergency housing services, and training for probation officers. Links to each program provide further information. 

Recommendations for Trueblood Sites: A two-page fact sheet that outlines nine recommendations for enhancing competence evaluation, restoration, and jail diversion processes. Developed by PRA through its technical assistance to Trueblood sites, these recommendations include enhancing the crisis care continuum, providing written guidance for information sharing, and ensuring Veterans Affairs’ involvement in planning and implementation. 

Video Series 

Trueblood Diversion Services Summit Videos: A suite of seven videos created from the September 2019 summit. Vested partners discussed diversion strategies for people with mental illness in contact with the criminal legal system. Videos include the following: 

  • A recap of the summit 
  • An overview of community-based restoration methods 
  • Perspectives from peers and class members on the competence restoration system 

These videos provide valuable insights and best practices from the event. 


Policy Research Associates. (2020). Trueblood diversion services series. 

This resource was first shared in 2020.

(YouTube, PDF Documents)