After graduating from college I realized that the period of being drowned in homework and assignments was over. Even though this is an amazing feeling, I made a promise to myself to continue to learn and educate myself as a person. The book I am reading now is called How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. He really stresses the importance of understanding your own drives and being cognizant of how your perceptions and mindset influences your actions. As that seems very basic, it has helped me understand why other people may act certain ways and how my behavior influences their actions. For example, let’s say I wanted a friend to go to the gym with me. My normal response would be I want you to go to the gym with me because…
- I need a workout partner
- I hate going to the gym by myself
- I need someone to motivate me
In many cases when we want something we are only focusing on ourselves and not on how the other person can benefit. Of course a person is less likely to do what I want when I am only concerned with my own desires. Now compare the following three reasons:
- There are new workouts I think you would enjoy
- This would be a great way for you to work on your summer body while also having a partner
- You are going to feel better about yourself and have more energy for the day.
I suggest reading the book as it has challenged my own thoughts and behaviors. It will provide insight on human behavior that I believe will better you as a person! Moreover, I usually read the book at night so it gives me the opportunity to reflect on my day, which is beneficial to self-growth.
The book is available online if you are interested in reading it!